- Wifi
- Sound
- mali drivers
- USB tethering
- HW Backed video Playback
- Ril (Mobile data,calls, sms and stuff)
- Sensors
- Buttons
- Bluetooth
- Wifi HotSpot
- 2D and 3D gpu acceleration
- HW encoding/decoding
- Charging with device powered off
- Stuff I didn't test yet
- Camera
- Fingerprint Sensor
- Mobicore
- SW codecs
Not Working
- Storage Encryption (WIP switching to FBE from FDE since FDE was removed in 13)
Keep in mind that some LineageOS features have not been completed yet this is not a device bug and please do not report those
Also do not post bug reports for known issues or bug reports without proper
a) Logcat
b) proc/last_kmsg (or proc/kmsg)
c) data/tombstones
d) dmesg
Install gapps right after installing the rom itself don't try to boot to system before that if you want to use gapps (Or wipe data before installing them)
NikGapps have been updated to 13, you might need to clean flash if you used other gapps in past including nikgapps 12.1 version
Make sure you are using latest official TWRP before installing rom older versions do not have proper android 12/13 support
if you want to support the project feel free to buy me some coffee

ETH(erc20): 0x979a8e42551e62e6994d3762c9d9f0e76b5d87f9
Donations help cover the build server cost and since I do this in my free time, and also cover the coffee for time spent debugging stuff
Feel free to join telegram group with early builds progress updates and some off topic stuff Join
Based On Android 13/T
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: Android 13
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.4.302